Tuesday, April 10, 2007

DB-RFP acception/rejection process

Last week it was decided which database design provided by the three teams in the University of Delhi was going to be used for the build of the database for the MultiLib system. The following is the process that we used in the database design:
  1. Created draft RFP's
  2. Prof. Scharff reviewed and approved RFP's
  3. Waited on response from Unv. of Delhi students
  4. Received the 3 database designs
    1. Compared RFP and requirements documents to the db document
    2. Analyzed the table attributes, constraints, and relationships between the db entities
    3. Weighed the pros and cons of each design
    4. Determined from all of this which design to accept.
  5. Sent accept/reject letters to the 3 database teams.

Due to availability constraints, only the leaders of each team in the US were able to review in detail the database designs. The team members were made aware of the process and the reasons behind the decision in which they agreed.

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